
Fumigation is the process where insects are eliminated from a structure with the use of lethal gas. Fumigations are carried out using essentially two fumigants: Aluminum Phosphide and Methyl Bromide. MB is an odourless (Chloropicrin having a strong odor and causing respiratory and eye irritation is added) and colourless gas where as AlP has an odour of garlic and they leave no residue on exposure.

Norms make it mandatory on part of exporters, fumigators and other parties involved in trade for adopting correct treatment practices to ensure the export of goods in pest free condition. All treatment providers are obliged to go through a stringent assessment procedure and get accredited.

Plant quarantine departments of respective  countries have their own standards of dosages for different  products. These dosages mainly depends upon the Type of insect, stage of insect, risk as quarantine pest, packing of the material, temperature etc . The Import country is to decide the mode of operation of fumigation thus its always better to confirm with the importer  or check the LC conditions mentioned if any.

It is implied from this that if we don’t have any standards mentioned by the customer then we need to carry the standards of fumigation as mentioned by quarantine department of our country. Normally the dosages for the ports at US of A applied for pigeon pea (Tur Dal) is 32 gm to 48 gms /cu.mt at 21 degrees of Centigrade but if the same product is being checked for the pest Trogoderma spp then the dosages shall be 80 gm /cu.mt for 48 hrs at 21 C. Malaysian quarantine authorities are little bit rigid with the norms and they strictly go for dosage of 80 gms /cu.mt for 48 hrs at 21C.

 For further understanding on fumigation and fumigation practices, fumigation norms that are affected by Dept. Of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage, Min of Agriculture, Govt. of India, is a good resource. These are called National Standards on Phytosanitary Measures and are also referred in industry as NSPM 11 and NSPM 12.

For current information on this aspect, you can contact at our office or regional Deputy Director, NPQS/ RPQS. It is important to understand that these standards outline the need for effective treatment of the consignment to meet the specific quarantine requirements related to the import or export of specific commodity to reduce the risk of introducing potentially hazardous pests inside / outside the country.

Information on quarantine requirements of the importing country on export commodity, the composition of the consignment, storage condition and the place of the commodity, package description of the consignment has to be given to yamraja.com in advance. Packing material plays an important role in penetration of fumigant gas inside commodity. Packing material used should be such that it allows gas penetration. Please ensure that sufficient time is available to perform treatments to meet the quarantine requirements. Also see that the fumigated consignment or container does not move until the degassing / Ventilation is performed and declared as safe for movement by us.

Yamraja.com brings you world class fumigation services from accredited fumigation service providers

For further queries of clarifications regarding container fumigation, please do contact us.

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